Michael Moore Procedure error handling Best Practice
Feb 28, 2018; 13:51
Michael Moore
Procedure error handling Best Practice
Long time Oracle PL/SQL coder but new to MySQL.
I have an error handler that looks like this ...
declare continue handler for sqlexception begin get diagnostics condition 1 @p3 = returned_sqlstate, @p4 = message_text; set v_there_was_an_error_while_inserting_a_lead_summary := true;
insert into rit.rit_audit_message(severity, message, process_name,
summary_detail_map, createdby2qmp_user, updatedby2qmp_user) values ('ERROR', concat('Something went wrong while trying to insert commission lead summaries. No summaries created! ', @p3, ' ', @p4), 'pop_comm_summary',
1003, 1003);
So, what if the insert (shown above) throws a sqlexception?
1) What happens? 2) Is there a better way to do this? Perhaps I should not have DML in my error block?
Michael Moore
Lasso Programming
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